Back In Action

I know it has been a while since I’ve posted anything here, but it is for a couple of great reasons.

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It’s been a long summer so far, but it has seemingly flown by. I know it has been a while since I’ve posted anything here, but it is for a couple of great reasons.

First, I’ve been spending some more time with my son—playing basketball, biking, hunting for blackberries (and Pokemon)—and with friends, both new and lifelong. Getting to spend time with people I love and whose opinions and outlook I value has been restorative and very welcome.

Second, I have nearly wrapped up my personal project A Life Alone. When I say “wrapped up,” I mean I’ve got the launch version ready and content lined up for the first month or so, with plenty to come after that.

Crucial though, out of getting that ready for launch, I’ve found a product idea I am both passionate about and that will (hopefully) be of use to many other folks. I believe it is a viable idea because there are others like it out on the web already.

Will mine be different? How? Why bother?

I hope it will be different, but that’s not the reason I am building it. I’m building it because I honestly care about helping others tell their stories, about helping people be heard, about helping people be expressive and creative. I also know I can deliver more than others, that I can do it for less, that I will serve my audience first and foremost, and that I will try my hardest to deliver something others will be proud to use as much as I am. It may fail or it may change, but I know I must give it a try.

Development has gone, and is going, very quickly, so I hope to have the beta up and running by the end of August at the latest. Stay tuned for more info here, and loads more process, tech and design posts as I go.

All the best,
