Respons-O-Matic Part 2

A quick follow-up to yesterday's post.

1 minute read

Yesterday I pushed out Respons-O-Matic, a very simplistic tool to preview RWD layouts, without much thought to how others might use it. Unsurprisingly, a few folks had some really great feedback on their own workflows, and how to make Respons-O-Matic play nicer.

Check out the updated demo if you want to see it in action, or head to the repository on Github for the code.

Here’s what’s new or different:

  • simple text box to enter URLs and filenames; no more config
  • recent URL history
  • rotate the iDevices by clicking the home button
  • reworked the entire project directory to make integration with your projects much, much smoother
  • added a port option to the server script (in case 8080 is in use)

Thanks for stopping by!
